Dr. Auh Whan Park
Dr. Auh Whan Park is a true trailblazer in the realm of thyroid ablation. He was one of the first doctors in the USA to perform radiofrequency ablation (RFA) on benign thyroid nodules, and he continues to be an advocate for this novel procedure. As an expert in the field, Dr. Park spent much of his career as a champion for researching thermal and chemical ablation of thyroid nodules. He continues to work with the next generation of medical practitioners as a mentor and teacher in this subject area.
Dr. Auh Whan Park received his medical degree and completed a radiology residency and interventional radiology fellowship training at Kyungpook National University Hospital in South Korea. He then went on to complete additional vascular and interventional radiology fellowship training at the University of Michigan Medical Center. Dr. Auh Whan Park was a dedicated member of the Department of Interventional Radiology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville for over a decade, starting in 2009. As of 2022, he holds the position of Professor in the Department of Interventional Radiology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. As a pioneer in this field of thyroid RFA, Dr. Park continues to learn through research, and he shares his knowledge in a variety of ways to further contribute to the understanding of minimally invasive procedures for thyroid ablation.
In addition to co-authoring several book chapters detailing RFA, Dr. Auh Whan Park is the author of the handbook 'Thyroid Radiofrequency Ablation', which is a dedicated resource to help other physicians incorporate thyroid RFA into their practice. The manual provides a historical perspective of the technique while highlighting current research and advances in the field. It provides a detailed discussion of neck anatomy and imaging characteristics essential to a successful ablation. It further outlines various aspects of safety and efficacy to ensure a positive patient experience. The book, first published in 2020, has since been translated into Spanish, Japanese, and Arabic.
Dr. Auh Whan Park is one of the leading thyroid treatment providers, and his extensive research and knowledge in the field set him apart from others. His focus on thyroid RFA procedures clearly demonstrates his willingness to adopt innovative procedures that genuinely benefit the patient and create a better treatment experience, overall. His patients' experiences are predominantly positive; they feel comfortable and are at ease with him, especially because of his proven technical expertise and his continued contributions toward advancing the field.